Epsy 2021 updates built for our community of users

Epsy is a community, built for our users. Our team is committed to providing the best way for you to track your epilepsy, find out what we built in 2021.
We wanted to thank you for a fantastic 2021, filled with feedback from users such as yourself on how we can make Epsy even better for you. Here’s what we have built together - with you - in 2021.
Medication logging made even easier
You asked for easier ways to log medication.
You can now Log medications with just one-tap along, as well as single dose logging for one-off medications.
“When I need to take medication PRN (as needed) there should be a way for me to do that.” - Shannon
“I was wondering if you could add "as needed," as an option to the medications?” - Kelsey

Simpler to track patterns
Improved monthly view. Added more detail to your monthly view to allow you to see patterns in your events logged, such as seizures, auras, single doses, and life events.
“Since life events, auras, and side effects don't appear on the monthly calendar view until clicking into the day, it is hard to get a visual of any correlation.” - Megan
Even better insights. More ways to find patterns in your condition with detailed charts such as your missed medication vs. seizure counts, seizures in the day vs the night, side effects over time, and much more.
“I wish the insights had more detailed info such as the comments, possible triggers, severity, etc. It's those very things that are the most helpful for the neurologists.” - Mabel

Sharing Epsy with your doctor
In 2021, we released Epsy Hub - the platform for your doctor to track your epilepsy. We know how important it is to share all the right information with your healthcare provider. On Epsy Hub, your doctor can connect directly with you on Epsy App to help improve conversations in appointments, and shorten your path to receiving optimal treatment.
If your doctor is not using Epsy Hub, click here to request they sign up to view your Epsy information.
‘Dark mode’ available
Accessibility is fundamental, so we implemented ‘dark mode’ to make the experience even better, for you.
“Dark mode, please. 1 in 32 epilepsy warriors has photosensitive triggers.” - Alma
Add your ‘medical device’ information
Keep all your epilepsy information in one place, including details about your medical device. Add details to your profile and track your medical device swipes for overviews..
All the above started with feedback from you! Want to improve Epsy? Let us know what features could be added to the Epsy App.