Make each day brighter

Epsy is on a mission to accelerate everyone with epilepsy to their optimal treatment through education.

Yes. Everyone. All 65 million people worldwide.

For most, it’s a case of finding the right medication, but for one third of people with epilepsy, drugs alone aren't enough to control their seizures.

Epsy is here to fight with every epilepsy warrior, to bring clarity and control with informational content, for a brighter tomorrow

Our beliefs: how we’re changing the world

Do what’s best for our users

We believe that what's best for our users is best for us, and our greatest reward is in seeing how our work improves people's lives every day. In fact, it’s behind every decision we make. We endeavour to stay as connected to our community as possible, going out of our way to help one another in the team to achieve this.

Never stop learning

From users, from data, from medical research; there is always more we can learn. And we facilitate knowledge-seeking among ourselves; in an honest critique of an experience or a frank feedback session with a peer - by being receptive to new information, we can adapt with the world. As we optimise for speed of learning and iterating, we optimise for success and innovation.

Make pancakes, fast

While we recognise the importance of spending time on the big stuff, we also love making pancakes... fast. The first pancake is never perfect, but we know that the faster we build something, the sooner we can release and start learning for the next version, and then craft improvements. So we take risks, with one rule: anything we send out into the world must be safe for our users.

Raise the bar

We hold ourselves to exceptionally high standards to reach our ambitious goals. We're proud to lead innovation in epilepsy, employing new technologies that are executed in award-winning experience design, obsessing over the details at every stage. We're driven by the impact we make and we work hard, yet we balance this ethic with the flexibility to recharge and bring our best selves back to work.

Lead without fear

Everyone at Epsy is expected to be a leader, each of our minds is essential in creating the future of epilepsy. As leaders, we fully trust one another to own our work and we each stand fully accountable for it, knowing it's a non-judgemental and safe space to make mistakes. And who sweats small stuff? We do. No matter the role, no one is above any task.

Champion one another

Only by working in a way to place our colleagues in a position to deliver their best, can we achieve maximum success. We listen to each voice, by empowering idea generation from every person on the team, and encouraging healthy tension to critically make the best decision collectively. The mission holds us together, but this behaviour drives us forward.

Join us for free on the Epsy app

“An epilepsy diagnosis is life-changing, but you need to keep going.” Read Megan’s story

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Empower yourself with education about your epilepsy

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